Saturday, August 29, 2009

Malang Mission Trip – Food Galore!!!

My final entry on my Malang mission trip and as promised, it is about FOOD!!! I know my blog has been lagging behind. Sometimes I am just too lazy to blog and personally, I prefer to tweet than to blog as it is so much easier with my iphone. Nonetheless, hope you people don’t mind my outdated posts… hehe… I promise I will be more prompt in future.


1st day breakfast. This is not Nasi Lemak. I cant remember the name but it tastes awesome!!!


This is like rice mixed with herbal soup and the red and white syrup on the right is something you must try. It is called Soda Gembira (which is soda with condensed milk). Indonesian version of Bandung. Only difference is that it is fizzy!!!


On the top left hand corner is a famous Indonesian dish called Bakso. It is similar to Singapore’s Yong Tau Foo with ingredients like tofu, meatballs and vegetables but the soup is very rich and yummy!!! On the top right hand corner is Tehbotol, a bottled tea commonly found in Indonesia.

Personally, I love Indonesian food a lot. All the food taste great and we have no complaints. On our way back, we even bought back IndoMie. It tastes so much better than the Singapore’s version. :)

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